10 Amazing Dry Fruits for Skin

Dry fruits and nuts are considered delicacies and most of us love them. With the arrival of the winter season, the demand for dry fruits will increase as it is the best time to enjoy them. There is no doubt that these tiny dried fruits are packed with amazing nutrients that have a number of health benefits. While these natural vitamins and minerals contained in dried fruit improve our immune system and give the body energy, they are also incredibly beneficial for our skin.

Dry fruit for the skin is like a great face cream that does everything from preventing wrinkles and fine lines to brightening the complexion. This means you can either apply them directly to your skin or have them as a treat. Many popular skin care brands use dried fruit in their products to enhance the effects. So without further ado let's find out the excellent benefits of dry fruits for skin. Various dried fruits with names and their benefits are listed below:

1. Figs (Injeer) to Prevent Wrinkles:

Also known as Injeer, dried figs are full of beneficial vitamins such as vitamin C, B6 and K. These nutrients help regulate sebum production and prevent skin moisture loss. According to studies, figs increase moisture content and prevent wrinkles and premature signs of aging such as fine lines on the face and neck. Dry figs also promote collagen production, which also reduces wrinkles. The vitamin C and antioxidants in figs also help remove dark spots and help even out skin tone, resulting in a clear and radiant complexion. You can eat dried figs as a snack or make a face mask by mixing them with honey and applying them for 15 minutes to lock in moisture for an instant glow.

 2. Dates (Kajoor) for Youthful Skin:

Dates or Kajoor are very popular dry fruits, especially in Muslim countries like Pakistan. Their benefits are countless and have been proven by many kinds of research. So it won't surprise you that dates are incredibly healthy for your skin too. Free radicals present in the body are the main reason for premature aging of the skin. Regular consumption of dates, especially black and red dates, can help prevent these unwanted lines and wrinkles and leave you with a youthful complexion.

Dates contain many B and A vitamins that treat many skin problems such as dry and itchy skin. It is also recommended to apply mashed dates with honey on acne scars and stretch marks to get rid of them. In addition, dates improve skin elasticity and skin texture, making the skin clean, smooth, and soft.

3. Dried Apricots (Kubani) for Pigmentation:

You must have heard of or used apricot peeling. It is commonly used in skin creams, scrubs, and scrubs for its skin-brightening and pore-cleansing properties. You can also get the same benefits by consuming them. Dried apricots contain beta-carotene. After eating, it is converted to vitamin A in the body and can provide UV protection from the sun to prevent photoaging and skin pigmentation. Beta-carotenes prevent skin damage and help remove dark spots or pigmentation. Dried apricots in powder form are mainly used to make face packs by adding natural ingredients like milk or yogurt.

4. Raisins (Kishmish) for Dull Skin:

According to studies and research, raisins can slow down the aging process and do wonders for dark spots, blemishes, and other problems that make your face look dull and aged. In addition, these incredible dried grapes help reduce hyperpigmentation on the skin. Raisins contain a variety of essential nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that can help you achieve a healthy skin glow. Raisins will also make your skin smooth and supple and brighter and more even by removing toxins from the blood. So the next time you eat oatmeal or any dessert, just sprinkle some raisins on top to restore the glow to your skin.

 5. Prunes (khushk alobukhara) for Healthy Glow:

We all want a healthy glow on our skin and the best way to achieve that is to add prunes to our diet. In addition to being great for damaged hair, prunes are also a superfood for your skin. It is pruned that has more antioxidants than any other dried fruit. These substances help delay the appearance of signs of premature aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, etc. In addition, the minerals found in prunes such as manganese, iron, vitamin K and beta-carotene can help your skin look healthy and radiant. . Other benefits of eating plums include relief from constipation, bone protection, lower risk of heart disease, and improved eyesight.

6. Almonds (Badaam)

No other dry fruit can match the benefits of almonds when it comes to healthy and youthful skin. Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that protects the skin from sun damage and aging. Vitamin E also nourishes and moisturizes your skin, leaving it soft and smooth. In addition to eating a handful of soaked almonds every day for good health, applying almond paste or oil to the skin can help with breakouts, dullness, and pigmentation.

7. Walnuts (Akhrot)

Walnuts are another famous ingredient used in body and face scrubs for their exfoliating properties. According to dietitians and nutritionists, walnuts make your skin plump and glowing by trapping toxins that cause skin damage. They also strengthen skin cell membranes and help retain moisture. In addition, they reduce redness and inflammation and also protect against skin damage. Walnuts are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are excellent for skin and hair.

8. Cashews (Kaju)

Cashews are high in zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, and phosphorus. These nuts are also high in protein and vitamins that can help improve skin and prevent wrinkles. Although there is no evidence of consuming cashews for skin whitening, it helps in removing scars and pigmentation, which clears the skin.

9. Pistachios (Pista)

Pistachios are great for dry and flaky skin as they have plenty of healthy fat content to hydrate the skin and keep the signs of aging at bay. It also contains vitamin E, an essential nutrient for our skin cells, and reduces the risk of skin damage from the sun. So, eating pistachios can help you achieve glowing and healthy skin.

10. Pine Nuts (Chilgoza)

The high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in pine nuts makes them incredibly beneficial for your skin. Vitamin E and antioxidants slow down the aging process. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of pine nuts, they are ideal for sensitive skin types. It nourishes the skin and protects it from various conditions. It also has excellent moisturizing effects on the skin.

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